Sunday, March 16, 2014

Reading Isn't Just Fundamental......

It is life altering.  To teach a child to read and to give them access to books allows them the freedom to be anyone or any place at any point in time.  Next to love, reading is truly the greatest gift you can give to a child.  It opens their immediate limited world up to all the possibilities of the studies of our world and all the imaginings of others.

Often when I was very young and life was a bit harder than it should have been for a child, books were my escape.  I remember my flashlight under the covers and with the latest Hardy Boys mystery.  Books also helped to mold my curiosity and my desire to see and learn about new countries, new cultures, races and religions.  I have never lost that desire to learn more about others and to escape into a good book.  I read around 100 books per year of all types including novels, biographies, historical, spiritual, etc.

The need to learn more about others also helped shape my beliefs and remove fear of those unknown.  In other words, bigotry and hatred comes from a lack of knowledge and understanding.  Teaching one to read and giving them the freedom to read what they want will do more for the advancement of a civilized world than just about any other single act.  I have been fortunate enough to travel to many wonderful places and see firsthand those cultures, countries and peoples that I read about.  My reading and thus travels led to my realization that the world is not infinite and is actually quite small.

So, where am I going with this?  I know of a wonderful nonprofit out to do something about improving the education in their country by this very vehicle, reading.  But first, before I tell you about Bright Star Mobile Library, I must tell you about the gentleman who has worked tirelessly to form and expand the organization.  A few years ago, Mr. Saeed Malik had returned to his home country of Pakistan after a long career with the United Nations Food Program.  During his career, Mr. Malik lived abroad in the United States, Italy and elsewhere.

I had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Malik through his children, who are like family to me.  Since meeting him, I having always held Mr. Malik in the highest regard.  In fact, having grown up in a less than desirable childhood with a father who simply shouldn't have been a father, I can say this with absolute conviction, if I could have chosen a dad, it would have been Mr. Malik.

Ok, now we have what and the who, let's talk about the how and get something done.  The how is Bright Star Mobile Library ( ).  There is a very good article on about Bright Star and Mr. Malik's desire to make a positive impact on the lives of children in Pakistan.

I encourage you to read it as his words are far better than mine in explaining why his passion for providing resources to children to allow them to have hope and imagine a world different than what they see around them.  Hope and imagination are the absolute lifeblood for the advancement of society and possibly one day a world where children are not hungry or afraid and books not bullets are the norm.

Now we are down to the, "What can we do?"  Bright Star Mobile Library is funded solely by donations.  Also, to make it easier in the United Stated to donate, you can go to which is a landing page via Give 2 Asia specifically for Bright Star.  There is a donate link you can use.  At the time that I publish this, I will have completed my donation.  I ask that you do the same and that you continue to pass this blog to friends and encourage them to do the same.  Let's prove change can come from one and grow to many and as a "Thank You" to Mr. Malik for his selfless work and to let him know people do care.


"Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance." - Francis of Assisi

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