Tuesday, February 21, 2017

This Week's Word & Thought: Dance!

Why dance?  

I was thinking about meaning of words for becoming so involved with what you are doing that it is total immersion.  Total involvement in your work as you are obsessed with its perfection.  How to express being consumed with what you love to do.  Whether art, business, teaching, science, etc., how to best express this state of being.

I started down this path by seeing a video of Sergei Polunin in a new Diesel advertising campaign.  It is incredible beauty, provocative and business oriented all at the same time.  It so moved me I had to watch it multiple times.  https://youtu.be/COXx3YTNW1s

Then, as with most events or subjects that grab my attention, I wanted to know more.  I researched and found the primary dancer’s name, Sergei Polunin, and then wanted to learn more about him. As it turns out, he is probably one of the greatest dancers of this century and achieved that status at the age of 20.  There is a documentary, “Dancer”, that is about Sergei and his rise to stardom and his walking away from different aspects to find his balance in total immersion of his art.  The end result of the documentary was a decision for him, with assistance from a friend and fellow dancer/choreographer, to create a much more contemporary and free form ballet solo piece.  It was originally intended to be his last. 

It is breathtaking and my all-time favorite dance piece.  You see him become one with the music and the movement of his body.  To be that immersed and connected to what you are doing is ethereal.  I hope you watch it.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-tW0CkvdDI

And finally, to point out that business, science, math, etc., equally love to create, to move, to be moved.  To this end, the quote for this week is from Albert Einstein (yes again, but damn he was smart!).

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.”



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