Friday, May 19, 2017

This Week's Word & Thought: Triumph!

I know this post is late, but this has been a strangely challenging week.  Seemed several events occurred that could cause you to pretty much question everything!  Forget the insanity of our current administration we are barraged with on a daily basis.  Forget the insane amount of violence and hate that seems to be occurring at an increased rate.  It was a week with items that bothered me even beyond the stress of these other two recent “norms” we must deal with daily.

Someone close to me who works as a medical professional spoke of the passing of an 18-month-old patient.  I saw a video this week of a Syrian boy pleading for the world to intervene and stop the attacks on civilians.  There were the latest reports this last week on how far Venezuela has fallen into almost total chaos with people starving and military control becoming the norm.  I had a friend having some major issues that had them in a relatively dark place mentally and emotionally.  I was very worried.  The topper, work has been tough this week as well as the endless commute.  I know, “Woe is me!”

I bring these events up not to depress you or drag you down.  I bring them up to point out those around you may be having a bad day, week, month, etc.  Sometimes a kind word or thought is needed and sometimes just “being there” with understanding, love, and patience.  It also helps to let someone know that as long as you are alive and able, you can help impact change to improve the human condition.  You being here now, alive and reading this, is nothing short of a triumphant win of the lottery that is our universe. 

I am very glad you won.

“For me, the vast marvel is to be alive. For man, or for flowers or beast or bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly and perfectly alive.” – Al Purdy

One of the most perfect observations I have read.  So, go and be perfectly alive and revel in it and those around whom you consider friends and loved ones.

BTW, here is some information on Al Purdy.



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